Thursday, September 15, 2005

West Wing

While on the TV tip I have to say that recently my Tivo started recording old “West Wing” episodes for me. I had seen the show way back when, when it came out and I had liked it, but found it just a bit much to watch at the time, so I just never made the commitment. It was actually one of the few pop fads that I could understand and didn’t make fun of when it was happening.

I was bored the other day and popped it on and even though I hadn’t seen barely more than 1 episode in the past 5 years and even though I wasn’t “in the series” as I believed I had to be to understand and appreciate it, I found myself highly entertained by the show and the hour passed by quite quickly. Next time I was bored it was my first choice. Yesterday, after finding out that there were no more episodes recorded (there had originally been about 8) I found myself really upset. Somehow I had developed an addiction.

I have to say that the old shows (Season 1) were pretty close to perfect. Tivo slipped one in from season 4 and I could immediately feel that the show was different somehow. That it was trying too hard to be good. The characters were a bit overdone and tired. So, it will be interesting to see how this new season will turn out (I’ve added it to my list of things to watch).

I’ve also added season 1 to my netflix list and I plan to watch the entire back catalog in sequence until I can’t take it anymore. Can I just say that the idea of putting out old shows on DVD is brilliant? Can I also say that (and this is totally true and if I had the time I would find the old post somewhere) I had this idea about 5 years ago? (although this was pre-DVD and I was begging for shows on tape).

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